Saturday, July 16, 2011

Welcome to the Jungle

As a veteran teacher with degrees in both elementary education and journalism, you might think a blog would be the perfect place for me to satisfy both of my passions: writing AND teaching. I'll have to admit that as secretly excited as I am to begin this blog, I had some serious writer's block and anxiety about beginning one. Where do I begin? How do I organize this thing? What if nobody reads it? (or worse yet-what if somebody does?!)

I think my fears have been mostly put to rest after spending a considerable amount of time reading and learning from the wonderful teacher blogging community.  Everybody is so friendly and the sharing and collaboration is amazing!

How will I contribute?  What will I post about?  I hope to share my perspective while co-teaching fourth and fifth grade-an exchange of ideas and strategies that make learning fun.  (for both the teachers and the students)  Most of what I post will pertain to the age group I teach, but should also have application at almost any grade level.  I always say that education is a constant recycling and revamping of ideas.  Everything I have learned has been inspired by the great teaching around me and the talented teachers I know-I just put my twist on it. 

I can't wait to get started!  Welcome to the Jungle!

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